Devotional 2.28 | Space for Grace | SAUL – His Conversion


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Bible Challenge
Oct 5, 2020
February 28th

SAUL – His Conversion

But I am whatever I am because of God's unearned favor, and the favor He showed me was not for nothing [i.e., Paul made the most of his conversion by being extra diligent in his service to God]. But I worked harder than all the other apostles, yet it was not I,
God's favor on me [that accomplished it]. 1 Corinthians 15:10, An Understandable Version

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Profile: He was, religiously, a strict Jew who studied under Gamaliel to become a leading Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin; culturally, Greek in thinking, being from Tarsus; in citizenship, he benefitted from Roman citizenship from birth. He became the ‘pioneer persecutor’ of Christians. On his way to Damascus to capture Christians, he personally met the resurrected Christ who turned his life upside down. Some years later Barnabas found Paul and brought him to Antioch for a year. From there they were sent on a missionary journey, the first of three Paul would take across the Roman empire. Much of his work and writings centred on salvation being only through Christ and not based on one’s religiosity, law-keeping, or works. Paul worked hard to convince the Jews that Gentiles were acceptable to God, but even more time convincing the Gentiles of that fact.


  • Should you await a sudden “Damascus experience”? This direct personal contact between Saul and Jesus was not just a conversion of a man, it was the creation of an apostle – apostles needed to have met Christ (Acts 1:21-22; 1 Cor 15:1-11).

  • Through Paul, God taught that forgiveness and eternal life are a gift of God’s grace received - not by our arduous obedience, but through faith in Christ.

  • God put Paul’s background, training, abilities and even his weaknesses to good use for the furtherance of the gospel. Invite God to work especially through your weaknesses so that He receives the glory.


Grace turns calamity into even greater blessing.​



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