trinity delusion

  1. Lori Jane

    Video Your Judge's God

    There is only one true God and your Judge's God is not a Trinity. What did you suppose you could ever say to your Judge to justify serving your three person God, a God which is not his God? For serving any God but our Lord's God is idolatry, a grievous sin. Just as your Triune God is totally...
  2. Lori Jane

    Article 1 Corinthians 10:4

    Source: The Trinity Delusion: 1 Corinthians 10:4 ( 1 Corinthians 10:4
  3. Lori Jane

    Video Like Father, Like Son

    My screenshots / notes click here.
  4. Lori Jane

    Video The Pre-Existent Logos: Illustration

    This is a classic!
  5. Lori Jane

    Website The Trinity Delusion Website | An exposé of the doctrine of the Trinity I appreciate this author - his blog and youtube channel have helped me greatly in deepening my understanding of the problems with the trinity and why I still reject it. Check out the list of videos he has on right-hand side and the...