
  1. SC Facilitator

    General Pennsylvania Attorney General is Urging Victims of Jehovah's Witness Abuse Or Anyone With Information to Call and Make a Report!

  2. SC Facilitator

    Matt Christopher Youtube channel

    Matt Christopher Youtube channel
  3. SC Facilitator

    Public The Watchtower Organization is being exposed for what they are under the surface | Jehovah's Witnesses Wake Up!

  4. SC Facilitator

    Article Arizona court upholds clergy privilege in child abuse case | Mormon/The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | AP news online |

    By MICHAEL REZENDES and JASON DEAREN https://apnews.com/article/mormon-church-child-sex-abuse-e02ae4470a5a53cbeb9aa146ff2762ac
  5. SC Facilitator

    Article Rebekah Vardy reveals the trauma of growing up a Jehovah's Witness - and why she brands it a 'dangerous cult'

    I was sexually abused aged 12... the church (in this case the Watchtower organization) hushed it up (corruption and protection of the org.) so I didn't bring shame on my family (she gets to be blamed and guilted) They can't silence me any longer': WAG ( is an acronym used to refer to 'wives and...
  6. SCAdmin

    Public Charges put focus on Jehovah's Witnesses' handling of abuse

    https://www.altoonamirror.com/news/2023/04/charges-put-focus-on-handling-by-jehovahs-witnesses-of-abuse/ https://www.camdenarknews.com/news/2023/apr/21/charges-put-focus-on-jehovahs-witnesses-handling/?sports
  7. SC Facilitator

    Website The Cult Education Institute (CEI)

    The Cult Education Institute (CEI) The Cult Education Institute (CEI) is a nonprofit library with archived information about cults, destructive cults, controversial groups and movements. CEI is an educational tax-exempted charity and an institutional member of both the American Library...
  8. SC Facilitator

    General In the Face of Wickedness: How the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society Has Covered Up CSA For Decades

    Charges against Jehovah's Witness abusesrs, experiences, documentary excerpts, Australian Royal Commission, Law enforcement, news items (Pensylvania charges),
  9. SCAdmin

    Public Jehovah's Witness facing more than 50 sexual assault-related charges

    Jehovah's Witness facing more than 50 sexual assault-related charges withdraws bail application - ABC News Key points: A Sunshine Coast man accused of the rape and sexual assault of members of the Jehovah's Witnesses community has withdrawn his bail application Court documents state the...
  10. Lori Jane

    Public JWs set to defend CSA

    Jehovah's Witnesses set to defend child sexual abuse allegations in court | Four Corners | ABC News - The Global Herald Jehovah's Witnesses set to defend child sexual abuse allegations in court | Four Corners | ABC News - YouTube
  11. Lori Jane

    Public Sky News | Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims

    (74) Jehovah's Witnesses 'failed to act' over sex abuse claims - YouTube
  12. Lori Jane

    Video Crusaders EXJW Documentary - Must Watch!

    Crusaders EXJW Documentary - YouTube
  13. Lori Jane

    Public Leaders of a Jehovah's Witnesses church 'made a 15-year-old girl listen to an audio tape of her own rape

    Leaders of a Jehovah's Witnesses church 'made a 15-year-old girl listen to an audio tape of her own rape for four hours to for her to say it was "consensual"', Utah Supreme Court hears...
  14. Lori Jane

    Rebuttal The Kingdom's Dirty Secrets (Jehovah's witnesses)

    Enquête has discovered that the strict rules governing Jehovah's Witnesses work to protect members accused of pedophilia...more than their victims. Troubling stories from alleged victims have allowed us to expose the complex and detailed rules that exert complete control over the lives of...
  15. Lori Jane

    Public National Redress Scheme: Scott Morrison names and shames groups refusing to sign up

  16. Lori Jane

    Public Alleged Jehovah’s Witnesses abuse victims say they are being ignored
