English Human Jesus Conference | Session 5 | A Human Jesus for Dummies by Alane Rozelle

Human Jesus Conference | Session 5 | A Human Jesus for Dummies by Alane Rozelle
Posted by Lori Jane
Livestream with Chat
Saturday, December 5, 2020 - 10:00 AM
Until: Saturday, December 5, 2020 - 11:00 AM
(Adjusted for timezone: America/New_York)

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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2020

Session 5 | 12/5/20 | 10 AM EST​

Title: A Human Jesus for Dummies

Speaker: Alane Rozelle

PowerPoint Presentation

This is a free conference and is an online event organized by Restoration Fellowship. This fifth session is presented by Alane Rozelle.

To view visit this page at the designated time http://thehumanjesus.org/conference/ - once it starts you can also watch on YouTube. You will be able to make comments and ask questions.

Alane Rozelle​

Biography: Grew up in Church of God-Abrahamic Faith in Indiana; wandered around Central America for six or so years after Purdue U.; attended Atlanta (Oregon) Bible College where I met the illustrious Sir Anthony Buzzard and family; finished Master's in Spanish at Central Michigan University; presently am ELL support in a high school career tech center. I like to take long-distance bike trips in the summer and my greatest accomplishment and joy is having raised 4 children to successful adulthood.