zoom meeting

  1. SCAdmin

    Amb4Christ Tuesday AFC Bible Study

    When: Tuesdays 7:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone] Format: Zoom Meeting Zoom ID: 339 144 5556 Zoom Password: beroeans Zoom Link: https://gcvs.zoom.us/j/96348485193?pwd=MW10cTJRcW40SDBrSjArQ0RCMS84dz09 Faithlife Group: https://faithlife.com/ambassadors-for-christ/activity
  2. SCAdmin

    OneWonders Sunday One Wonders Bible Study w/ Aspinalls

    Sundays at 2:00 PM EST (New York Time) [Convert to your timezone] Conducted by: David Aspinall Format: Verse by verse bible study - all can raise hand and comment Zoom Format: email conductor for invite David and Vivian Aspinall <dvmapologia@gmail.com> Faithlife Group...
  3. Lori Jane

    Announcement Welcome to the Exodus Support Group!

    This sub-forum is dedicated to those exiting high-control religious groups. It is a place to share your experiences and frustrations you may be having. Of course, if you are at serious risk - please call your local emergency hotline. For non-urgent discussion, please create a new thread or...
  4. SCAdmin

    Tuesday Simply Christian Women's Bible Study

    Link to this document to share with others ==> https://bit.ly/39TepYe ================================================ Topic: Women's Bible Study | Tuesdays 3 PM EST Direct Zoom Link: Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85785697474?pwd=Yk1zNmFBZXVrblF3bTRpd2hsV2tJZz09 Meeting ID...
  5. SCAdmin

    BeroeanPickets Sunday Beroean Pickets Bible Study | Eastern Hemisphere

    English Sunday Meeting – Eastern Hemisphere From Beroean Pickets Website: English Sunday Meeting - Eastern Hemisphere - Beroean Pickets - JW.org Reviewer (beroeans.net) We read from a passage of Scripture selected by the group, and then ask all to comment freely, but...