ray faircloth

  1. Ray Faircloth

    General The Bread of Life Sermon

    14. 6 The Bread of Life Sermon JOHN 6:27-59 Lasting Food—Food of the Age to Come Life This sermon was spoken by Jesus while he was in Galilee by the Sea of Galilee near Capernaum. THE TEXT – JOHN 6:27-34 “Stop working for perishable food, but for lasting food—the food of the age...
  2. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Law and the Prophets

    The Law and the Prophets Overview of Matthew 5:17-20 Most of what Jesus taught in this section of the sermon was to reveal how badly and wrongly the religious leaders of his day had interpreted and applied the Law. He also made many other critical comments on the teachings of the Pharisees...
  3. Ray Faircloth

    Article The General Characteristics and Disposition of a Christian

    The General Characteristics and Disposition of a Christian Overview of Matthew 5:3-12 THE APPLICATION IS TO ALL CHRISTIANS What Jesus says in this part of the Sermon on the Mount concerns all Christians and is not a matter of these characteristics as being displayed by only some...
  4. Ray Faircloth

    Article Why Partial Preterism Is Also a Faulty Approach to Prophecy

    Why Partial Preterism Is Also a Faulty Approach to Prophecy The Partial Preterist approach views almost all prophecy as having been fulfilled by A.D. 70 although there is still to be a future visible coming of Christ at the end of the Millennium (Post-Millennialism) and followed by a visible...
  5. Ray Faircloth

    Article On Which Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified?

    Jesus’ Last Days Before His Ascension On Which Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified? The traditional understanding of this subject is that Jesus was executed on a Friday and resurrected on the third day i.e., a Sunday. However, Sabbath-keepers often promote the idea that Jesus was resurrected...
  6. Ray Faircloth

    Article Resurrection

    3. 34-38 (this is a long one - see PDF attachment below) Resurrection 34 What Is Meant by Resurrection? The concept of resurrection as spoken of in the Scriptures comes in two forms: in words which mean: 1) “to resurrect,” i.e., the Greek words anastasis and egeiro with anastasis...
  7. Lori Jane

    Podcast Leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses (Truth Matters)

    Look what I found! And old interview by Sean Finnegan where he interviews Ray - ~ 28 minutes www.christianmonotheism.com/_sites/seanandruth/audio/Truth Matters/podcast 18 -- with Ray Faircloth -- Leaving the JWs.mp3 Ray Faircloth was a Jehovah's Witness (JW) for 36 years and served as both a...
  8. Ray Faircloth

    Article Is Jesus the Archangel Michael?

    IS JESUS THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL? PART 1 – A TEACHING OF JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES THE ORIGINAL BELIEF: JESUS WAS NEVER MICHAEL The Watchtower magazine of November 1879 on page 4 stated: His [Jesus’] position is contrasted with that of men and angels, as he is Lord of both, having ‘all power in...
  9. Ray Faircloth

    Article Why Jesus Did Not Literally Pre-Exist

    1 – 34-36 Why Jesus Did Not Literally Pre-Exist Holy spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Precisely for this reason the child being brought into existence will be holy; he will be called the Son of God. Luke 1:35 “The miraculous genesis of...
  10. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Satanically Controlled Antichrist

    7 – 22-23 22 The Satanically Controlled Antichrist Daniel 11:31 to 12:13 Antichrist Begins Persecuting God’s People At this stage described in Daniel 11:31 Antichrist is fully control-led by Satan so that he acts as Satan’s agent. The events from verse 32 to verse 45 are the climax of...
  11. SCAdmin

    Article The Kings of the North Including the Final Antichrist

    7 -21 21 The Kings of the North Including the Final Antichrist VISION 5 - Daniel 10:14 to 11:40 This is the last of the five major prophecy passages in the book of Daniel and is the longest prophecy in the Bible. It is a single prophecy running from Daniel 10:14 to the end of chapter...
  12. Ray Faircloth

    Article Resurrection

    See revised version here Article Resurrection (simplychristian.faith)
  13. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Seventy Sets of ‘Seven’ Years

    18 The Seventy Sets of ‘Seven’ Years VISION 4 - Daniel 9:24-27 Because Daniel recognized that Jeremiah’s foretold seventy years of Babylonian rule had reached completion, he offered the following prayer in recognition of Israel’s position before God: “And all Israel transgressed your law...
  14. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn

    The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn VISION 3 In Daniel 8:3-8, 20-22 we may be moving back to Daniel’s era concerning two animals which represent two of the earlier noted empires/kingdoms at war with each other. So, Daniel says: “I lifted up my eyes and I saw, and look! A ram...
  15. Ray Faircloth

    Article Christians Do Not Go to Heaven

    Christians Do Not Go to Heaven Summary: Jesus Will Return to the Earth Mostly quoted from the New English Translation John 14:3 ……… I will come back and receive you to myself (LEB). Acts 1:11 … will come back in the same way you saw him go into heaven. Acts 3:20-21 … so that he...
  16. Lori Jane

    eBook Can There Be Three Persons in One God - Ray Faircloth

    See Attached for a Book by Ray Faircloth that he has agreed to share here. You can order a print version of it on Amazon. Thanks Ray!
  17. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Coronation of the Son of Man -Earth’s New Ruler

    The Coronation of the Son of Man -Earth’s New Ruler Daniel 7:9-14, 26, 27 As this vision proceeds Daniel says: “I continued watching until thrones were placed and an Ancient of Days sat...11 “I continued watching then because of the noise of the boastful words of the horn who was...
  18. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Four Great Beasts

    The Four Great Beasts VISION 2 This was the first of Daniel’s visions when he was about 67 years of age and therefore many decades after the dream had by Nebuchadnezzar. However, Daniel’s vision was the first of the apocalyptic visions and so containing many symbols for which Daniel seeks...
  19. Ray Faircloth

    Article There Are Two Component Parts of the Gospel

    There Are Two Component Parts of the Gospel by Ray Faircloth for discussion at Thursday 7/29/21 Bible Study The Gospel’s major component is the future establishment on earth of the literal “kingdom of God,”/“kingdom of heaven.” This will involve the returning Jesus who laid the foundation for...
  20. Ray Faircloth

    Article There Were Not Two Gospels

    This is being discussed at the 7/22/21 Christian Monotarian Bible Study There Were Not Two Gospels Contrary to a particular popular opinion there are not two separate Gospels. There was not one gospel for the first century Jews—“the gospel of the Kingdom” and a separate gospel after that...