millenial views

  1. Lori Jane

    Article Gnosticism — More than a Present Threat

    Gnosticism — More than a Present Threat (Source: In a recent article (Discernment, May/June 1999, PO Box 129, Lapeer, MI 48446), a writer remarks on the pronounced dangers of a Gnostic approach to salvation and Scripture, currently espoused in some...
  2. Lori Jane

    Article Premillennialism

    The Church and Premillennialism Great write up on premillennialism - the doctrine of the Christians in the first and second century. Here are the individual PDFs or you can download them as one attachment that has been bookmarked with main sections...
  3. Ray Faircloth

    Article Why Partial Preterism Is Also a Faulty Approach to Prophecy

    Why Partial Preterism Is Also a Faulty Approach to Prophecy The Partial Preterist approach views almost all prophecy as having been fulfilled by A.D. 70 although there is still to be a future visible coming of Christ at the end of the Millennium (Post-Millennialism) and followed by a visible...
  4. Lori Jane

    Article Three Questions for Amillennialists

    Source: Focus on the Kingdom, November, 2022 Three Questions for Amillennialists Premillennialism describes the belief that at the Second Coming Jesus, as Messiah, will raise the faithful dead and establish with them a thousand- year long (millennial) Kingdom on the earth...
  5. Ray Faircloth

    Article The Kingdom Is Future

    The Kingdom Is Future Although Paul, in Colossians 1:13, says that Christians have been “transferred…to the Kingdom of [God’s] beloved Son” and so are experiencing the Kingdom now, the vast majority of texts show that the full experiencing of the Kingdom is yet future. So, what is meant by...