high control religion

  1. SC Facilitator

    Generic Spirit Analyzer/The Round Table | Youtube channel

    Spirit Analyzer Youtube channel Jonathan Leger, Jimmy Bell, Diasiss Minnick I was born and raised in a fundamentalist high control Christian religion. When I was 37 years old I lost faith in that religion and began speaking out against the evils it perpetrated onto its members and the community...
  2. SC Facilitator

    Public Watchtower's NEW PR Department or PID-Public Information Department | (Pido's in Disguise) New Secret Leaked Footage

    Jehovah's Witnesses Secret PR Department!!! Watchtower Will Never Be The Same: The New Propaganda Machine - Formerly known as the Public Information Desk Watchtower has a global network of PR representatives and we now have Leaked, Secret footage showing how they manipulate Jehovah's Witnesses...
  3. SC Facilitator

    Video Why We Left the Mormon Church: A Coming Out Story

    How a high control religion or a cult can shape you as a person. They make you feel like you're part of something special and you don't realize that you're living in a bubble, in another reality. The cults' and your own false reality. Constant fear of things and people in the world. Experiencing...
  4. Lori Jane

    "Second-Generation Followers" Form Group to Solve Their Problems

    Second-Generation Followers Form Group to Solve Their Problems | Nippon.com [more...]