Article Who is the “One God” in the Matt. 28:19 Baptismal Formula?

Lori Jane

Bible Challenge
Sep 18, 2020
Central Florida USA

Who is the “One God” in the Matt. 28:19 Baptismal Formula?​

This is a fantastic article about this verse. Here is the summary:


The evidence discussed in this article confirms that the phrase “in the name of” in Matthew 28:19 is not attempting to radically redefine how many persons constitute the One God of Israel. But how then should it be understood? A more reasonable answer draws upon the Hebraic principle of agency whereby one who comes “in the name of” someone comes “in the power of” or “in the authority of” that person.

The list given by Jesus is arranged in hierarchical order. The Father – that is, the One God of Israel – is the sole source of all power and authority. He permanently bestowed this upon Jesus at the exaltation, and Jesus then exerted it in the world by means of the Holy Spirit. Nothing about this arrangement of delegated authority requires the foreign notion that all three figures constitute the same being.

Moreover, rather than being perceived as a Triune formula, the Biblical and historical evidence unanimously indicates that Matthew 28:19 was originally understood as follows: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the One God and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Source: Who is the One God in Matthew 28:19? (


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
God cannot die and did not die for us. Trinity teaching states that the three are always one, therefore if God did die Father, Son and Holy Spirit all had to die so then God is dead. Baptism symbolized the death and resurrection of Christ who did die and we enter this symbolism when we are baptized. The Father and Holy Spirit did not die for us, the Son died. No record of this trinity baptism formula in Matthew 24:19 was ever practiced by the apostles. They baptized in the name of Christ only. The Passover of the new covenant to remember the death of Jesus until he returns; why is it not trinitarian? If Jesus Christ was indeed a triune God he by trinitarian doctrine would have to have been Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the flesh. If God the Son only died, then while he was dead did we have a binary God? If God cannot die and Jesus was God then Jesus did not die and we are yet in our sins condemned to death.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
The Bible Catechism by Rev. John C. Kersten S.V.D.
Catholic Book Publishing Company. NY. 1973
See page 164.
Catholic Encyclopedia 1913 edition volume 2 page 265


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
I went back and reviewed all the information online concerning baptism, it had been years since I first did this and I was surprised to see that the number of experts supporting the trinity formula has diminished and that of in the name of Jesus increased. This partly due to more information discovered and a more serious effort to know the truth. Logic dictates that after eliminating all other possibilities whatever remains must be the truth. The truth is that no true Christian is a trinitarian. The Apostles never used the formula in Matthew 28:19 in baptism. Several writings from the early Catholic Church admit what I stated above and that the church did change Matthew 28:19 to support the trinity.

I must say here that I will not attempt to prove what I have written here to anyone.
People need to do the work I did on their own and in this way it will mean much more to them when they see the truth for themselves by their own efforts. It would seem that there is some way to go yet until we reach the point where we all speak the same things. I have mentioned here several times that if a man is your teacher then you are deceived because in the best of the thousands of churches in this world that do have some truth there are always lies mixed in and like evil leaven the lie will corrupt the truth they do have in order to accommodate the lie. I have repeatedly said go to God, He will not lie and He has all truth.
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Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
I also have read that the Catholic Church changed Matthew 28:19. Everyone baptized in the New Testament after Jesus was baptized in Jesus name, I believe.
You write about truth. In my opinion and like you say there will be a point in time where we all speak the same things, the one truth.
However I completely do not agree about what you say here and I quote: "The truth is that no true christian is a trinitarian".
That is not for us to say, I think. Let's leave that to Jesus to decide, please.
Jesus teaches us in Luke 6:37 in the Berean Study Bible: Do not judge, and you will not bue judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Anyone can be christlike without being a christian.
The trinitarians I know in my life are true christian persons. They want to follow our Messiah and believe in him as their Messiah, their Mediator, their Redeemer.
And I don't want to offend you, but by your own words, if you teach others that trinitarians are no true christians, than the ones listening to you are deceived as well, because you are a man, a deceiver.
I believe there is no complete truth yet until Jesus comes back and we all will learn what 'the truth' is. About everything.
Yes and I agree with you, God will not lie and He has all truth. That in fact is the one thing, I think He cannot do: lie.
Thank you LeeB, for all your comments,on this website, by the way. Iron sharpens iron, is said.
We all have our journey in christian freedom. Let's keep on walking together.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
To Diana S. When I judge I use righteous judgment and judging if something is the truth or a lie. 1 John 4:1-3 John 7:24. Righteous judgement is what God and Jesus would judge as false and I agree with it. I did not condemn Trinitarians but I can judge what they believe as false. As far as anyone being Christ like; Matthew 7:21-23 Luke 6:46 1 Corinthians 6:2-3 2 Corinthians 4:2-4 Romans 1:16 Ephesians 1:13 2 John 1:9-11 1 John 5:19-20. If you look at what a people believe and it is not true then how can they be Christ like ? Is it proper to embrace and accept a lie or rather expose it ? Ephesians 5:10-11 We know God hates lies and no lie is of the truth. True Christians are not standing on every street corner, it is always the few that find the way not the many. It is not only trinitarians that are not Christians but all those who do not obey the truth of the gospel. I do not say that we should condemn these people but rather love them. God will give all people an opportunity for salvation but not all at the same time. It is good to have compassion for all people but not to the degree that we violate the truth.
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Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
Hi LeeB. Indeed we love people and we can discern in judgment. In John 8:1-11 Jesus did not and would not let men condemn the adultress woman, but he just says to go and sin no more.
I do believe people can be christlike, have christian behavior and do the will of God, without being a christian (in name).
Love and compassion is of the utmost importantance and love for truth and not violate truth as well. I agree.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Diana S. As we know God loved the world. John 3:16 I was once of this world but now no more, neither was Jesus. Salvation is entering the Kingdom of God, it is our hope. God's plan for the world, to bring them to salvation, is in three different times; today, the millennium and second resurrection. God is not willing that any should perish but come to repentance. God does not bring all at the same time now because many would perish but in a time that is best for them. The unconverted of the world will have the same opportunity as we have now only at a different time. The kingdom of God is like leaven which a woman hid in three measures of meal until the whole was leavened. The 3 measures are the three different times, the leaven is being given the Holy Spirit. Now, God is extremely selective with who He elects because they face the world, the flesh and the devil. Those in the millennium will not have to deal with the devil. The second resurrection people will deal with Satan again. There will be some people that will commit the unpardonable sin but this should be few. God wants quality not quantity. Even though I do not like lies and expose them I only do so with others of like mind. It is not for me to correct the errors of our unconverted. I cannot convert anyone, that is up to God.
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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
To be Christlike is to have Christ in you, your hope of glory. The unconverted are cut off from God, in the world with no hope. The unconverted can't understand the things of God for they are foolishness to them. The Lord knows those who belong to him. The sheep of Jesus hear his voice and Jesus knows them. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his. By their fruits you shall know them. The unconverted mind is against God. Without the faith God gives by His Spirit it is impossible to please God. The unconverted are children of the devil. The carnal mind is an enemy of God. Matthew7:21-23. There are only two kinds of people; converted and unconverted. What may appear as Christlike behavior is shown in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 and Jude 1:3-4 Fake Christians are Sunday Christians but every day devils. No one can be almost Christlike. Matthew 15:8 Romans 16:18

Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
I don't believe that there are only two kinds of people, converted and unconverted. This is too black and white for me.
Righteousness for God also means to behave likewise, because of their righteous heart.
Romans 2:5-16


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
Righteousness is imputed to the saints, it is a gift because of their faith in Christ. There are only two groups of people; the righteous and the unrighteous there is no in-between. There is a God and a devil and all people are with one or the other, not both. If you are called and chosen, converted, then you are with God, if not then with Satan, there are only two ways. There are two Adam's, the first brought death, the second life. There is only one name given that provides for all that will have salvation. In your view who are the other kinds of people? There are sheep and goats, so one is either converted or not. Matthew 18:3 Acts 3:19 Acts 26:18-20 . It is very black and white and I did not make it that way, God did.

Diana S

Staff member
Bible Challenge
Oct 15, 2021
The Netherlands
If righteousness is imputed to the saints as a gift of their belief in Christ and so therefore also converted and called and chosen, then they must know how to do good to the Christ, because they are his brothers ans sisters, if I understand you correctly? They are the sheep at his right hand.
So then who are the ones at his right hand he calls righteous who didn't know when they did good to him by doing good to he least of his brothers? Mathew 24:32-40.


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2022
This is speaking of the white throne judgement. Revelation 20:11-15 Take note that the unrighteous are cursed into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. This is the judgement of those in the second resurrection. This is not for the time we are living in now. When this event occurs we will have been in the kingdom for 1,000 years. The church of this time is being judged now. 1 Peter 4:17-19 The first resurrection is of the saints only and we are being judged now in how we live our lives in Christ so that at his return we should be found worthy. Luke 21:36.